Contribute to the energy transition.
Make money from it.

The flexibility of the electricity grid is what will make or break the energy transition to a decarbonized and renewable electricity mix.

We are leveraging the power of AI to unlock a tremendous potential of electrical flexibility in your commercial buildings.

Bring your building's energy management to the next level

New revenue

We value your flexibility for you. You get the money. You get this reward for helping the grid to reduce the load during peak times.
Earn up to the equivalent of 10% of your electricity bill.

Better carbon footprint

Gaz peaker plants can stay off thanks to the electrical flexibility you provide. This way, you are avoiding additional GHG emissions. Plus, you enable a better integration of renewables.

Grid resiliency support

Flexibility is key for the energy transition, as the power grid faces more demand with less consistent supply. By temporarily adjusting the power of your equipments, you are helping stabilizing the grid.

How it works?

Our AI-powered platform allows you to participate seamlessly in demand response programs. All of this happens automatically through our software. We connect to your building to help you adjust energy consumption of your equipments in real time.

Participants receive compensations, which means you are actually getting paid to stabilize the grid.

What is demand response?

Demand response refers to the practice of shifting electricity usage away from peak periods to ensure the grid balance. This practice is necessary because maintaining a near-perfect balance between supply and demand on the electricity grid is critical.

By implementing demand response, you can save money on your electricity bill and even generate revenue while contributing to the integration of renewables into our energy system and improving the resiliency of the power grid. It's win-win-win!

Start earning revenue now by helping the grid

We take care of everything to bring your energy management to the next level


Estimate your building's flexibility potential.
We provide support in designing a load-shedding scenario while also diagnosing the performance and connectivity of your energy systems and devices.


Connect your equipments to our platform to harness the power of demand response automatically and effortlessly. We provide fast and easy solutions to connect your Building Management System (BMS / BACS) and distributed energy resources, such as HVAC, EVs, batteries and smart thermostats, to the Orus platform.


Our platform provides you a multi-site supervision and multi-interface for all stakeholders, with recommendations on actions to take. You stay in control of your building and your contribution to the balance of the grid.


We value your flexibility on the electricity markets and with the power grid operator for you. You receive your compensations directly via the platform

Modular product offering for all kind of buildings

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Orus Estimate

Get a free diagnosis of your flexibility potential

Estimation of flexibility potential
Support for the design of a load shedding scenario
Orus Automate diagnosis
Get started
Orus Automate

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Automated demand response
Access to more valuable mechanisms
Smart control
Get started

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Orus' platform.

Will I see a saving or a new revenue stream?

Your help to the power grid translates into compensation, which is a new revenue stream. In practice, you also see energy savings due to optimized energy management, but this is a positive externality.

How can you connect to my building?

After estimating the potential for electrical flexibility, we select the best connectivity option for your building. We have 100% software connectivity solutions for "Décret BACS"-compliant buildings. Also, Orus Energy partnered with different actors to enable all buildings, even those with little or no connectivity, to benefit from the opportunity of electrical flexibility !

Does it affect the tenant's comfort?

Ensuring tenant comfort is crucial to us. We establish the load shedding scenario with you and according to the thermal inertia of your building so as not to impact comfort or operations.

How can I access the platform?

Request a demo so that a member of our team can show you how you can leverage the flexibility of your building through the platform, and give you details about how the solution works and how it may be implemented in your building(s).

Are you providing yet another energy optimization solution?

No, we stand for the principle of consuming your energy better, at the best times, which is complementary to consuming less, and as important for the energy transition.

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